Nerves provides tooling and libraries for building small, self-contained software images using the rock-solid Erlang virtual machine hardware support of Linux, and happy development experience of ...
This program is designed to assess the function of cranial nerves and deep tendon reflexes through a series of simple yes/no questions. The responses help to evaluate whether a patient’s neurological ...
What Is the Vagus Nerve and What Does It Do? The vagus nerve is one of the body's cranial nerves that starts at the brain and ...
Medically reviewed by Smita Patel, DO Migraine is a complex neurological disorder known for causing severe headaches. People ...
Everyday noises like the wind and the trees, running water or even the sound of her children playing causes Karen Cook ...
The biological mechanisms of rehabilitation after stroke are not fully understood. Here authors identify parvalbumin interneurons as a key mediator of rehabilitation-induced stroke recovery and a ...
Cerebral palsy adalah masalah medis jangka panjang yang bisa dideteksi sejak dini. Ketahui penanganannya di sini!
Rob has neurogenic bladder—and he isn’t alone. Millions of Americans have this health issue. Neurogenic bladder is when a person lacks bladder control due to damage to the nerves carrying messages ...