A new collaboration between the MHRA and Barts Health NHS Trust has led to introduction a new DNA sequencing technology ...
Kokoris came up with the idea of solving some of the noise issue of nanopore sequencing by converting DNA into larger ...
The first resource containing high-resolution DNA sequencing data for over 37,000 children and parents collected over ...
当研究人员第一次绘制人类基因组图谱时,他们震惊地发现只有2%的DNA是编码蛋白质的"明码区段(coding regions)",其余98%的"暗物质(dark matter)"——也就是非编码区(noncoding ...
丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonas syringae)是一种广泛存在于自然界的细菌,常见于植物的叶片、根部和其他部位。 它不仅是植物病原菌,还能引发许多植物的疾病(特别是在温带、亚热带地区)。 丁香假单胞菌通过产生毒素和其他致病因子,攻击植物的细胞,导致如叶斑病、枯萎病等各种症状。
For the first time, large-scale DNA sequence data on three U.K. long-term birth cohorts has been released, creating a unique ...
For the first time, large-scale DNA sequence data on three UK long-term birth cohorts has been released, creating a unique ...
Discover the price reduction of ENFINIA™ DNA products by 25%, improving access to high-quality DNA for researchers.
Illumina has been barred from exporting its DNA sequencers to China, which closed | Illumina has been barred from exporting ...
The first resource containing high-resolution DNA sequencing data for over 37,000 children and parents collected over ...
RNA sequencing has emerged as a powerful supplement to DNA sequencing for Mendelian disease diagnosis, but clinical ...