Maintaining a clean house is no small feat. But all your efforts will be for naught if you spot cockroaches roaming about.
In recent weeks we’ve been exposed to an onslaught of news, witnessing wildfire activity the likes of which have not been seen in my memory. Death, destruction, and fire activity over thousands of ...
The biggest danger for wildlife is the aftermath. But many species have evolved to rely on the opportunities created by ...
The other main additions to the upcoming drop are wildflowers and leaf litter, while new leaf particles add to an increasingly dynamic Minecraft, dropping seasonal leaves from trees. Meanwhile ...
And here—where the wind steals woodland scents—hides a curiosity. Cloistered by soil, moss, stone and leaf litter, a thing unseen—a thing quite mysterious—lies in waiting. A thing that ...
They'll match the colours of the trees, and leaf litter can be used in furnaces or to decorate blocks. There'll also be wild flowers in the upcoming drop which can be crafted into dyes.
In a year that will see many AI achievements and battles, let’s not forget that not all AI research makes the front pages.
Instituto Internacional de Ecologia R. Bento Carlos, 750, 13560-660 São Carlos SP - Brasil, Tel. e Fax: (55 16) 3362-5400 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil E-mail: [email protected] ...