Investigations are under way after a 12-year-old boy was bitten by a tagged dingo on K'gari earlier this year. (Getty) Property News: Landlords could once increase rents 20 per cent a year.
Diesel prices in India are based on dynamic fuel pricing system and hence revised on a regular basis. The diesel rates are revised at 6 am every day. This dynamic pricing ensures that even a ...
India moving away from fuel subsidy is widely considered one of the most significant economic reforms, giving the government enough room for expanding its social and subsidy expenditure beyond ...
Thus, marginal changes in international trade or demand fro crude oil can have noticeable impacts on domestic diesel prices in Chennai as well. Chennai is the largest city of Tamil Nadu with more ...
Weeks before this show the Diesel team dispatched six miles worth of bolts of white fabric to art schools and street art groups in China, South Africa, the US, UK, Europe and elsewhere.
Top Indian Oil Companies built several methods of tracing daily diesel prices in Chennai as compared to old rates. Indian Oil Companies has provided numerous methods to track diesel price without ...
Animal trainer Sherri Davis has a saying she’s fond of repeating. “The day my kids don’t want to go to work, they retire.” Davis’s kids are not human: a pack of German shepherds make up ...
Drivers have dealt with fluctuating petrol and diesel prices for the last three years, with global oil costs and geopolitical issues in the Middle East impacting the price of fuel. The RAC forecasts ...
The British Army's Land Rover and Pinzgauer vehicles are to be replaced by 2030 by a group of vehicles called the Light ...
“I’ve lost a lot of friends, but I’ve never lost a brother. We’ll never get another Dingo on this planet." “A true rockstar without ever needing to make a song, the most loyal ...
Oil firms announced a price hike of P0.80 per liter for both diesel and gasoline, while kerosene users will see a smaller increase of P0.10 per liter. Shell Pilipinas, CleanFuel, Seaoil ...
Unaudited fuel price data released by the Central Energy Fund (CEF) is pointing towards a potential increase for the petrol price while the price of diesel in South Africa is projected to decrease in ...