It seems mainstream media is now blaming President Trump for everything bad that happens including aviation accidents — like ...
A Bureau of Meteorology spokesperson said the weather event was likely a microburst storm, which formed on a trough through the area, more than 800km north-east of Perth. The spokesperson said ...
The results showed that there was far more suction on the sides of buildings during downburst events than during hurricanes. "When strong winds move through a city, they can bounce due to interference ...
In this wind tunnel testing campaign, a series of aerodynamic testing of a tall building model under both atmospheric boundary layer and downburst winds were conducted. Additionally, interference ...
The official investigations on theAirplane crash in Toronto occurred yesterday 17 February when a plane Bombardier crj-900 ...
Once enough cooling takes place, the rain and hailstones being held high in the thunderstorm cloud drop to the ground - as a microburst. Once the microburst hits the ground, it spreads out in all ...