A coming ground-fault circuit-interrupter revision could make slow-charging your car nearly impossible.
In its quest to get a million electric vehicles on the road by 2030, Illinois was counting on $148 million in federal funding ...
One thing's for sure though, if you do crossover to battery power you’ll want a good home charging setup to help make your ...
An EV charging station is nothing like a gas station. To get it right, station owners must understand the different business rules and avoid gasoline thinking.
St Helena in the distant South Atlantic is on course to be the first British region to switch entirely to sustainable power ...
Cities and states allotted funding to build out EV infrastructure don't know if they'll ever get money promised by Congress ...
President Donald Trump is trying to halt the flow of funding for EV charging infrastructure from two programs that have ...
The company’s shares tumbled on the London Stock Exchange after it said it was taken by surprise by low demand for its ...
BT has scrapped a major electric car charging scheme after installing just one charging point ...