The Transformers series is full of clever and creative weaponry, from the original cartoons to the live-action movies, with guns and swords galore.
NEW YORK — Jules Feiffer, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist and writer whose prolific output ranged from a long-running ...
Before Mickey Mouse, Felix the Cat was the biggest thing in animation. But behind the success of the cartoon cat, his creator ...
Facebook: It was a mistake to create an app to gather together all the unvaccinated people in your home town, your ...
Feiffer was best known for illustrating the children's classic "The Phantom Tollbooth." His loopy lines left a lasting mark on art, literature and film.
Captain Planet returns in a new comic series from Dynamite Entertainment that modernizes Earth's Greatest Champion and the ...
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Watching TV is probably one of the most common hobbies people have. There’s a good reason for it – since it’s said that we’re ...
South Park fans on Reddit are still upset about Cartman's ending in South Park: Post COVID: The Return of COVID.