Eviolite users like Duraludon, Chansey, and Munchlax become formidable threats with increased bulk and stat boosts. The competitive Pokemon meta is normally populated by fully evolved, fully ...
Walking Together: Keeping Chansey in your party and walking or traveling with it increases friendship over time. Battling and ...
It's Quaquaval's turn on the raid docket in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet; here's everything you'll need to know before its raid ...
Pokémon Showdown's simulator protocol is implemented as a newline-and-pipe-delimited text stream. For details on how to read to or write from the text stream, see sim/SIMULATOR.md.
Damage calculator for all generations of Pokémon battling. If you are currently looking at smogon/damage-calc and not a fork, this is the official repository for the Pokémon Showdown! damage ...