Excadrill is one of the most valuable creatures players can find in Pokemon GO. Being one of the few offensive Steel-type Pocket Monsters in the franchise, it is a staple of every raid battler's ...
To solo defeat Excadrill in Pokemon GO, you'll need a team of strong counters. The Subterrene Pokemon is a Ground- and Steel-type creature that resists a wide array of attacks. It sports high ...
Best Electric-type counters: Groudon, Excadrill, Garchomp. Best Electric-type Fast moves: Thunder Shock, Charge Beam, Thunder Fang. Best Electric-type Charged moves: Wild Charge, Discharge ...
Quickly defeating Iris and Axew, Georgia then asks what other Dragon-types Iris has, but she has none. Iris sends out Excadrill instead and the battle begins.
Zekrom, a powerful Dragon/Electric-type Pokémon, can be acquired through special raids or trading during designated events.
Excadrill can resist just about everything Zapdos can throw at it, while the two grass-types will struggle against Drill Peck. Metagross will also hold its weight decently against Zapdos ...