We suggest you watch the anime or read the manga to avoid ruining the experience. We have listed the 30 most popular female characters in One Piece based on their power, character, and how they play ...
Hisoka - Strong and fearless, but manipulative and self-serving. When it comes to characters we can rely on when it comes to ...
Their kit is heavily reliant on the player's skill and, therefore is not the easiest character to play as a beginner. Delphox - Delphox is one of the best team-fighting Pokemon, who excels in the late ...
If you think "girl books" are just about princesses, romance, gossipy schoolgirls, and vampires, think again. There are plenty of great books featuring strong female main characters in compelling ...
Generally speaking, there’s no good or bad character in the game as long as you like it. However, if you’re someone who takes the game a bit too seriously, and wants to be the best like no one ever ...
In celebration of Black History Month, OkayPlayerGo takes a look at the Black names and faces that have defined video games.
What is the cutest Pokémon? This question has stumped scholars for millennia. Okay, that’s not true, but it has been the subject of heated debate ever since the first Pokémon card made its way onto ...
Sweet tale celebrates friends, family, positive messages.
Mew is generally only available during special events. For example, in September 2023 it was possible to use a Mystery Gift and a code to unlock Mew in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – but that code has ...
The best Deadlock characters have unique individual abilities and team cooperation. Check out the characters' tier list and ...