The two students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) crafted an eco-friendly itinerary for a four-day trip to Takamatsu in Japan. Last summer, they put their plan into action.
Please join me in voting “yes” on the replacement levy to continue supporting our students with special needs. We encourage readers to express their views about public issues. Letters to the ...
My students are depending on you. We encourage readers to express their views about public issues. Letters to the editor are subject to editing for brevity and clarity. Limit letters to 200 words ...
They are, sadly, invested in speaking poor quality, harmful information, and stories that are divisive and hurt our students. To suggest that the violent rape of a woman had any basis in ...
Dear Millennial Professors, As a Gen Z student at Kenyon, I have noticed a pattern from several of my millennial professors: Your niceness prevents me from deeply engaging with class. To be clear, ...
An authorization letter is a kind of agreement between two people and is usually sent as proof that the person can act on someone else’s behalf. The workplace is ever-evolving, but the need for ...
“They were always joyful, bubbly and friendly,” she said ... asked her English composition students to write a one-paragraph letter to Trump after his Jan. 20 inauguration in Washington ...
It’s the accumulation of errors the University has failed to correct regarding their safety priorities. Time and time again, students have asked for better lighting, more security, a tighter leash ...
Nearly 200 faculty members sent a letter to interim University President Katrina Armstrong on Feb. 3 to advocate for additional safety measures for Jewish students. The letter included 10 ...
As a seventh-grade student at Garrison Middle School, we need more languages to be offered at the public high school in Walla Walla. In the WWPS school district, only the languages, German ...
I wrote her back to tell her that I would address her concern in a letter to the editor, which follows. To students, parents and family members, and the TSD community: In 2019 and again in 2023 ...