They feature an ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8 module soldered on the back plus headers taking ESP32-H2, ESP32-C6, SX1262 LoRa transceiver, or nRF2401 2.4GHz wireless MCU. Dimensions – 181.26 x 108.36 x 16mm ...
This aircraft, named by the defence community as the J-36, is the latest in China’s growing arsenal of advanced military aviation prowess. Images and videos of the flight, captured in near real-time, ...
The ESP32-S3 provides Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity and the board also features a USB-C port for power and programming. The AXP2101 power management IC enables battery charging and optimization, ...
好了,就到这里吧,我们使用STM32Cube新建工程。 1.2 STM32Cube新建工程 关于如何使用使用STM32Cube新建工程在前文已经讲解过了,这里直说配置GPIO部分内容。本文要实现流水灯,其实输出为初始化设置为高电平还是低电平都可以,因为流水灯需要不断反转。 Debug模式 ...