The aim of this GUI is to aid in analysis of the Gaussian Wave-packet, so that it can be incorporated with main problems in quantum mechanics such that the solution resembles more of reality. The user ...
As with all probability distributions, the Normal Distribution describes how the values of your data are distributed.
In the examples shown in this paper, we employ loss functions that are quadratic. This reflects the fact that squared losses imply a Gaussian distribution of errors, which is the appropriate choice ...
What exactly is an Anderson-Darling test? Testing for normality is often the first step in analyzing your data. Many ...
Existing prototype-based CL methods generate pseudo features for old knowledge replay by adding Gaussian noise to the centroids of old classes. However, the distribution in the feature space exhibits ...
Computational Brain Science Lab, Division of Computational Science and Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden This paper presents an analysis of properties of two hybrid ...
The experience touched me emotionally in ways I wasn’t prepared for. That experience was possible thanks to Gaussian splatting, a novel method of 3D capture that was invented less than two years ...
We show that these two puzzles can be solved by incorporating rare macroeconomic disasters in income risk. To this effect, we first fit a fat-tailed distribution to long output time series for 156 ...
Megakaryocytes form a three-dimensional (3D) cage composed of laminin and collagen IV connected to the basement membrane surrounding them. This microarchitecture stabilizes megakaryocytes within their ...
Considering the frequency-domain data characteristics of mechanical vibration signals, an exponential mixture model (EMM) is first applied to extract the frequency-domain distribution characteristics.
This important study presents compelling observational data supporting a role for transcription and polysome accumulation in the separation of newly replicated bacterial chromosomes. The study is ...