近日,AMD副总裁兼客户渠道业务总经理David McAfee在官方博客上发表了一篇文章,表示这个月AMD庆祝Radeon发展历程中的两个重要里程碑,分别是Radeon品牌发布25周年,以及基于RDNA 4架构的新一代Radeon RX ...
三星 R439-DS06Intel 酷睿i5 460M 2GB 320GB NVIDIA Geforce GT 320M 2.26Kg/14英寸 ... 5300 三星 R439-DU06Intel 酷睿i5 460M 2GB 320GB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 2.26Kg/14英寸 - 三星 ...
苹果 MacBook Pro(MA611CH/A)Intel 酷睿2双核 T7600 2GB 160GB ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 3.1Kg/17英寸 ¥24900 苹果 MacBook Pro(MC374CH/A)Intel 酷睿2双核 P8600 4GB 250GB NVIDIA Geforce ...
But what is a GPU? What are they good for? Join us for a layman's overview. A graphics processing unit (aka a GPU, graphics ...
Nvidia got a jump on AMD when it introduced hardware-accelerated ray-tracing in the RTX 20-series in 2018. And while these ...
1999年,英伟达发布了其首款游戏显卡GeForce 256。在此之前,市场上已存在多个GPU品牌,如3dfx的Voodoo系列、Matrox、S3 Graphics以及ATI的Rage系列。然而 ...
In our Nvidia GeForce RTX 5090 FE review, Jackie Thomas wrote that "the Nvidia GeForce RTX 5090 has officially taken the performance crown from the RTX 4090, but with less force than previous ...