GIA美国宝石研究院成立于 1931 年,是全球权威的钻石、彩色宝石和珍珠研究机构。 GIA 是一个非营利的公益性机构,是宝石与珠宝知识、标准和教育的主要来源。 欢迎关注 GIA。 全球各地的学生来到 GIA 寻求知识、学习技能、获取证书,以求建立成功的宝石和珠宝 ...
Established in 1931, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, colored stones, and pearls. A public benefit, nonprofit institute, GIA is the leading ...
Stunning Double-Storey Home and Land Package in Grantham Farm, NSW 2765 A Remarkable Opportunity! Discover your dream home with this beautiful 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom Double-Storey house and land ...
Our undergraduate study programmes include a I-Explore module, which can be integrated into a student's 2nd year autumn term as a credited module. We also provide opportunities for undergraduate ...
Earlier this month, the footballer was fined £500 and given six penalty points for doing 80mph on a 50mph road near Grantham, Lincolnshire, in a BMW. Dyer's father Leroy was also involved in a ...