Pain and suffering are for the living; the dead have neither worry nor working ears. “On Becoming a Guinea Fowl” makes a valid argument for speaking ill of the dead, especially if it bucks ...
MILLINGTON, Tennessee – A Kerrville native is serving aboard USS Iwo Jima, a U.S. Navy Wasp class amphibious assault ship. Petty Officer 3rd Class Arturo Nelms serves as a damage controlman.
Eva comes to Hong Kong. Seeing Eva perform with a snake, Judas gets interested in her. He showers her with gifts. She moves in with him and his snakes. Things get grim.
The Museum is scanning its collection of whale specimens so that the data is easier to handle and accessible to researchers around the world. For the first time, scientists have an image of what ...
There are six distinct weather periods recognised in the Gariwerd seasonal cycle. The language groups, Djapwurrong and Jardwadjali are the languages used by the custodians for the Grampians/Gariwerd ...