Taking in the Brahmaputra plains and the verdant Himalayan ranges, this book by Dhrubajyoti Borah that the author has also ...
Are you preparing for CSE 2025? Here are questions from GS paper 1 for this week with essential points as the fodder for your ...
Our Shimla travel adventure! Join me as my brothers and I embark on an unforgettable journey to the heart of the Himalayas - Shimla, the former summer capital of British India. This deeply personal ...
How long should you steep your tea? It depends. If you drink tea because it tastes good, the suggested steeping time is one to three minutes. If you drink tea to be healthy, two and a half ...
In the heart of the Himalayas, where myths and nature intertwine, conservation biologist Raju Acharya has embarked on a ...
Not-so-famous dog breeds also deserve our attention. The Macedonian Shepherd Dog (Sharr Dog or Sharplaninac) is a rare ...
Chaitra Navratri, the festival that is dedicated to worshipping goddess Durga and her 9 incarnations, is round the corner. To know when is the first day of the 9-day-long festival, read on., Spiritual ...