Ma’o hau hele Hibiscus brackenridgei • Endangered since 1994 • Population of about 100-300 • Lives for over 5 years • ...
For far too long, bats have been demonized as grim, ghoulish creatures of the night: they're practically synonymous with vampires, and they're a staple of just about every haunted house movie.
Thousands of probationary employees — people who had been either recently hired or promoted — were given abrupt notice as ...
Image via Wikimedia - Bats are remarkable creatures, playing crucial roles in our ecosystems; but do you know which ...
Bat species considered to be at risk seem to be in "relative abundance" on the east coast of Vancouver Island. Scott Wilson, wildlife research biologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, ...
"Because that's how deeply and passionately I feel about the work," she said. Biologists conduct hoary bat mist net surveys. She's a biologist specializing in bats. And she said she spent 15 years ...
What Do Bat Bugs Look Like? Bat bugs and bed bugs look nearly identical to the naked eye. They're both small, brown, oval-shaped bugs. They have stubby, non-functional wings and beak-like mouthparts.