She explained, "A bee's knees is a simple combination of lemon, honey, and gin. A gin that offers botanicals that will pair well with the raw and sweet notes of honey will elevate the simplicity ...
Fill the glass with a few sage leaves and ice cubes. 2. Add gin, honey and lime juice, stir it well. 3. Pour in club soda, stir it again. 4. If necessary, add a bit more honey sage syrup. Garnish with ...
We're all in on the trend of savory cocktails for spring, embracing the use of vegetables, herbs, and spices for the upcoming ...
Cosmonaut Ingredients 2 oz. gin ¾ oz. lemon juice 1 teaspoon of raspberry preserves The cosmonaut was created by Sasha Petraske at his legendary bar Milk & Honey in the early 2000s. This was his ...
Anyone who cooks knows the importance of fresh ingredients for the best tasting results -- and the same is true of drinks as ...
This award-winning dry gin from Melbourne Gin Company is made with 11 botanicals, including juniper, coriander seed, honey myrtle, grapefruit and macadamia. Each botanical is individually distilled, ...
About Jal-Jeera G&T Recipe: With the goodness of Indian spices like cumin, black salt and chaat masala along with honey, gin and a tang of lime, this gin and tonic cocktail is the perfect company for ...
But, for fans of mother’s ruin everywhere, we’ve found something even better: warm gin cocktails. That’s right – gin isn’t just for summer anymore. In the London of yesteryear ...
It was the 71st night, a cold night in Rotterdam, recalls Mert Alas, when he and his team opened the oak casks in which the new gin had been ageing. They hadn’t expected to try the contents so soon, ...
At the Honey Paw's glowy, sunlit space ... and angostura) and Sea of Shio (gin, koji water, dolin dry, and salt). The beers highlight funky styles—these guys don’t shy away from sours ...