How do we rate a Device? Rating a smartphone is a tedious process and a lot of parameters have to be considered before judging the overall performance of the device such as display, camera ...
华为Mate 60 Pro是一款设计精美、性能卓越的手机。它采用了华为一贯的设计风格,共推出四款配色,包括雅川青、白沙银、南糯紫和雅丹黑。机身采用玄武架构,具备第二代昆仑玻璃、玄武机身和锦纤材质,能够提供出色的耐摔能力。 在性能方面,华为Mate 60Pro ...
华为Mate 60 Pro手机正在京东促销中,原价5899元,满4000元减200元优惠券后只需5699元即可入手。这款手机采用了坚固耐用的玄武架构和第二代昆仑玻璃材质,具有出色的耐摔和抗挤压能力。它还搭载了华为方舟引擎,可以带来顺畅丝滑的使用体验。 华为Mate 60Pro采用 ...
Huawei stunned the tech industry a year ago when it unveiled the Mate 60 Pro, powered by a semiconductor much more advanced than US officials thought possible after strict export controls.