CIS加优国际学校,作为CIEO加拿大国际教育集团成员校,致力于提供世界领先的国际课程体系,助力学生迈向全球前100大学。 学校其中的两大课程体系:加拿大艾伯塔课程(Alberta Curriculum)和剑桥A-Level课程(Cambridge A-Level),为不同学术需求的学生提供多元化的 ...
Try these speed reading exercises to improve reading. You can also learn something about the news. There are reading texts at different levels. You can choose the reading speed of each text. If one ...
The most expensive schools in the world are renowned for their excellence and lavish amenities. Check out this article to ...
A-Level艺术、BTEC、AP、IGCSE 中文、数学、科学、经济、ESL英文课、A-Level 数学、语文、商科、ILTES英文课、生物、化学、物理、体育、艺术史、文书写作 截至2024年6月,君诚43名毕业生,300+世界名校Offer,200W+美元奖学金,同时创造了校史上的多个第一:首枚牛剑 ...
Try these discussions to improve your speaking and listening. There are 20 questions in each activity - 10 for Student A and 10 for Student B. You can print out the worksheet. You can listen to the ...
The American University of Rome invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the program of Film, beginning Fall 2025. AUR’s well-established ...
国际高中‌是一种提供国际化教育的高中,其办学理念、考试模式和学生组成都与国际接轨,旨在帮助学生尽早熟悉和适应国外教育模式,为中国学生搭建走向世界名牌大学的桥梁。那么让小编带领大家了解一下关于“成都外国语学校国际高中招生优势”的相关 ...