Jaguars are majestic animals that have captivated people for centuries. But these big cats are facing huge challenges in a ...
That’s how biologist Marcos Roberto de Brito defines the thrill of seeing a jaguar up close for the first time. Brito is the ...
A symbol of the enigmatic power of the Amazon, the jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas. Jaguars have unusually large, round heads, short legs and a stunning coat dotted with dark rosettes and ...
This year’s annual UN climate conference COP30 with 50,000 expected attendees held in Belém, Brazil is one-upping the past ...
The word jaguar comes from the South American Tupi and Guarani languages ... POPULATION TREND: A loosely estimated 30,000 jaguars are left in the wild today, most in the Amazon basin with perhaps ...
Images of the jaguar were woven into shawls and funeral shrouds of the Chavín people, whose civilization emerged in Peru around 900 B.C. Some tribes in the Amazon drank jaguar blood, ate jaguar ...