They explore games' role in preserving and promoting culture, using game design to address social and cultural themes uniquely. This involves designing games as performance art, analyzing social ...
Leveraging exclusive access to official X Games data, ALT Sports Data will provide a diverse range of traditional bets and prop wagers, designed to deepen fan engagement and extend the global ...
The world of Chilla’s Art’s Japanese horror is full of dread, with a slow build towards its terrifying climax that will often leave you disturbed. Indie horror royalty, Chilla’s Art always ...
VAN ZANDT COUNTY, Texas — Jak Kinder lit up the court Tuesday night, delivering a record-breaking performance that cemented his place in Texas high school basketball history. With district first ...
TDM-180935 is a topical Janus kinase (JAK)-1/tyrosine kinase (TYK)-2 inhibitor ointment that has previously completed a phase 1 study that showed excellent toleration and minimal systemic ...
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. "We haven’t really done an EP since our days with Creation," says frontman Adam Franklin. "I have ...
PENNSYLVANIA (WTAJ) — Calling all artists! The Pennsylvania Game Commission has announced the 2026 Working Together for Wildlife Art Contest and a $5,000 prize is available. The contest asks for ...