In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus seems to come down on the side of the broadest possible application of the love ethic. And by emphasizing a particular type of love – the gut-wrenching kind – ...
Every week, the staff at CrossPoint Church gathers to pray for the prayer requests shared with us during our Sunday gatherings. As we work our way through the requests, we are given this window into ...
The weekly Torah portion ‘Beshalach’ concludes with the first battle the Jewish people faced after leaving Egypt – the war ...
Legislators are expected to take up a $360 million proposal that would change the landscape of financial aid in the state.
Now that it’s National Chocolate Month, it’s a good time for everyone to make sure their relationship with chocolate is ...
When she visited Italy for the first time with her father back in 1975, Rabbi Barbara Aiello, from the United States, ...
Ordained as a bishop by a traditionalist sect, he was excommunicated then reinstated by the Vatican, but was undone by his ...
An Israeli Diaspora Affairs Ministry committee said in a statement that more than 50 million non-Jewish people worldwide have an affinity with Judaism or Israel, including both groups and individuals ...
Those who deny the right to Israeli statehood reject the Jewish connection to the land and ignore the realities of Jewish ...