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Joseph Tartaro got a license plate with the word “NULL” on it nearly 10 years ago. The 36-year-old security auditor thought it would be funny to drive around with the symbol for an empty value.
The big picture: Having the last name "Null" is apparently the modern equivalent of being cursed. Just ask the Nulls who endure a never-ending loop of website errors, processing failures ...
She didn’t know what kinds of problems it would cause. His last name is Null, the same word used by computer scientists to mean “no value” or “invalid value.” The Nulls of the world ...
No, not Edson, Edsert, or Edsner. E-D-S-E-R. Still, spare a thought for those with the last name "Null", as apparently it still breaks web forms, databases, and commerce systems the world over.
Beyond aesthetics, this standardized currency symbol reinforces Saudi Arabia’s economic presence on a global scale. It will soon become a common feature across financial platforms, transactions, and ...
(妙瓦底23日讯)缅甸士兵在上周六(22日)突袭位于妙瓦底著名的KK诈骗园区,这里是电诈中心黑帮的主要枢纽。这次行动救出不少被迫实施网络犯罪的受害者。当局正努力将他们遣返回国,同时继续摧毁跨国犯罪网络。 据泰国《民族报》报导,缅甸士兵突袭 ...
Currency symbols are more than mere symbols—they are the gateways to understanding the global financial landscape. As world citizens, we encounter currency symbols daily, whether planning a trip ...
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