Here are some estimates for your trip: Miami to Key Largo: The trip can take 2 1/2 hours. Key Largo to Key West: The trip can ...
Floridians love manatees. The marine animals, lovingly known as "sea cows" or "gentle giants," spend the winters swimming in ...
In Tarpon Springs, FL, USA, @Primeexotix shared a video of a three-month-old American alligator hatchling biting a piece of squid while performing a death roll. They commented that even adult ...
A teenager died in a dangerous private lake after ignoring safety signs and a warning from a security guard to go swimming on the hottest day of the year, an inquest heard today. Dishone Lloyd was ...
No need to go too far afield with travel plans. These easily accessed destinations cater to every style of traveler.
They competed on Saturday in an inaugural ice swimming race on Lake Johanna in Arden Hills. The water was just 36 degrees. Organizers of the MN Ice Swim said this is one of two competitive ice ...
“I love having lunch there and feeding the tarpon that accumulate under the dock,” he wrote. “Great food, great views, easier to access (and) park at than the hectic beach areas. This is gre ...
A pensioner caught potentially deadly Legionnaires’ disease from swimming in a lake. People who take part in open water swimming should be aware that entering lakes with still water can lead to ...
A pensioner caught potentially deadly Legionnaires’ disease from swimming in a lake. People who take part in open water swimming should be aware that entering lakes with still water can lead to ...
Falmouth’s last boys swimming championship was in 1984, when it won Class B for the fifth consecutive season. “It’s 40-something odd years. I’m really happy that this team could finally ...
TARPON SPRINGS — By summer, visitors to the Tarpon Springs Public Library should see a greatly improved and upgraded repository, featuring modern amenities that regular patrons have imagined and ...