For every gallon of milk shipped from the front door of a dairy farm, approximately two gallons of liquid manure is produced and must be managed out the back door. The Holy Grail, of course, is a ...
To calculate the value of manure, you’ll need to determine the nutrient content of the manure and how much manure you are applying. For example, total nutrients in 1,000 gallons of liquid dairy manure ...
This is the second episode in our growing food in small spaces series ( see ep1 here <a href=" )and it shows two examples of animals that can be kept in small spaces that are beneficial to your food ...
ADAS has compiled a series of updated guidelines, advising farmers on how they can make best use of organic manures and ...
Under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA), the owner or operator of a liquid manure storage facility may be required to install a leakage detection system ...
Raise heritage pig breeds for composting and plowing new ground. Learn how to raise pigs naturally for some of the best tasting pork you’ve ever had. As if raising your own Sunday bacon weren ...
While it is expensive to have water horse pipes like the ones that Mr Lwevuze uses to pump and the liquid manure to the different fertility trenches, the use of open plastic containers ...
Researchers at DTU Sustain, a department of the Technical University of Denmark, have been testing a way to reduce the emissions from pig manure and help the meat industry become more sustainable.
From organic manures to use of technology and various monitoring approaches, all the growers on the Farmers Weekly Arable ...
From organic manures to use of technology and various monitoring approaches, all the growers on Farmers Weekly Arable ...