I think it is both possible and necessary for people to disagree with each other constructively on important matters. All ...
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Lisa Benson cartoon on Trump and Gaza.
I’ve never managed to get into football, a fact I attribute to being short, and a girl. But just because I lack the shoulder heft necessary to dent the turf when I’m tackled doesn’t mean I can’t ...
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“This is most likely caused by the stress of having your symptoms constantly dismissed, but I wouldn’t worry about it.” ...
Regardless, football is a good sport. It kindles your blood, stirs your heart, and reddens your face as you yell at the TV for those slobs to stop fumbling when a baby could have caught that throw, ...
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3. We really know what some things really are From Step 2, I deduce the third principle, also as an immediate logical corollary, that we really know what some things (other things than apples ...