Michael Markmiller was in excruciating pain for years. The 53-year-old couldn’t walk more than 100 meters without his legs going numb or stand up straight without sharp pains going down his legs. The ...
A 65-year-old man presented to the ED with 1 day of acute onset mid-thoracic and low back pain, difficulty ambulating and ...
There are two main approaches to surgery: the posterior approach, in which a portion of the posterior aspect of the spinal canal is removed in a procedure known as laminectomy, and the anterior ...
Surgical options range from a laminectomy to a spinal fusion. It is essential that you talk with your health care team if your back pain and stiffness worsen, or you develop weakness that radiates ...
Surgical options aim to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and provide stability to the neck. Common procedures are posterior cervical laminectomy, discectomy and fusion, or corpectomy.