This study provides a potentially useful investigation into the positive role of BDNF/TrkB signaling in implanted dental pulp stem cells to enhance dentin regeneration in the context of dental caries.
This project is funded via the EPSRC Doctoral Landscape Award scheme. Tuition fees (UK and International) are fully covered and an annual stipend commensurate with the UKRI rate provided (£20,780 for ...
However, if your foreseeable needs are specialized or narrow in scope a multi-tool solution might be overkill and also might not offer enough specialization for your financial market niche.
In MATLAB, this handy little shortcut lets you cancel the current action, whatever that might be. By way of example, if you select the Edit menu, the menu’s items are displayed, obviously.
Environmental Geoscience is concerned with the interaction between Earth sciences and human activity. We explore the evolution of the Earth and its internal workings, the development of its biosphere ...
You can install gersemi from PyPI: Canonical casing is used as it's defined in official CMake documentation like FetchContent_Declare. There are a few deliberate ...
Shaping the animal body plan is a complex process that involves the spatial organization and patterning of the different germ layers. Recent advances in live imaging have started to unravel the ...
Earth sciences is the study of our home planet. Our flexible programme combines ideas and principles of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology and Geophysics. We explore how our planet works at depth ...
An average V T was then calculated for the 5 min period. Minute ventilation was calculated as the product of the respiratory rate and tidal volumes. All statistical tests were performed in MATLAB ...
Individual behavioral epochs and external events can then be analyzed in correlation to calcium imaging and tracking data. Our program is written in MATLAB, the source code is open source and ...