US-based MCU and analog chip developer Microchip Technology released a fourth-quarter net sales prediction that did not meet ...
Comics had been the home of superheroes since their inception, so one would imagine that the MCU’s dominance of pop culture would help the comic industry – people are obviously rabid for good ...
Utilizes a vintage LED display IC for the screen, 4 buttons, and an ATTiny10 MCU on each cartridge. It's restricted to ...
近期台股ETF展开大反攻,绩效前五强单周涨幅皆达1%以上,其中,台新臺湾IC设计动能ETF基金(00947)是单周唯一上涨逾3%的台股ETF,收盘更创下2024年7月底以来新高,表现较大盘亮眼许多,显示市场对相关标的高度关 ...
As the driver IC is qualified to AEC Q100 Grade 0 and ISO ... the microcontroller and the MCU interfaces. The product also ...
高效可控 在硬件成本方面,相比传统Touch IC与MCU联合的模式,CVM012x创新性的完成技术集中,为车厂触控应用开发提供单芯片解决方案,降低车厂方案开发难度的同时,降低物料管控难度。