Ruling prices Enniskillen producer 373kg Charolais steer at £1760, 376kg Charolais steer at £1680, 324kg Charolais heifer at £1250, 320kg Charolais steer at £1510; Lisnaskea producer 255kg Charolais ...
The importance of colostrum in a newborn calf is no secret. However, it can be a challenge for producers to know whether a calf is getting enough colostrum to receive optimal passive immunity from its ...
Cryptonews has covered the cryptocurrency industry topics since 2017, aiming to provide informative insights to our readers. Our journalists and analysts have extensive experience in market analysis ...
Sperm cells that result in a heifer calf (XX) have more DNA than sperm cells that result in a bull calf (XY). Of the several attempts to find ways to sort XX and XY sperm cells, the only method proven ...
Continental bull calves ranged in price from €290-400/head at the marts’ first weekly calf sale with continental-sired heifer calves making anywhere from €300-390/head. Hereford-sired bull calves were ...