Instead of paying recurring fees and the increased price of Microsoft 365, you could have Microsoft Office 2024 for life.
But for day-to-day work, I can’t give up macOS. macOS Gives Me the Best of Linux I started using macOS out of necessity, ...
AppleMacmini2024款迷你台式机银色(M4、24GB、512GBSSD、万兆网口)限时优惠中,京东该商品正在热销,最终到手价7999元/件。原价8249.00,到手价7999元,比原价便宜350元,性价比极高。Macmini是苹果的一款迷 ...
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA), which used to organize the E3 event, is starting a new summit called IICON 2026 ...
An affordable board with a fast ARM processor that can boot vanilla Linux via UEFI. What's more, the Orion O6 fits into PC ...
Keychron's B1 Pro punches way above its price tag, offering comparable features and performance to the Logitech MX Keys and ...
If you want to play games on your iPhone or iPad, you're going to need a game controller, and the same is obvious for the Mac ...
Upgrade your Mac Mini M4 setup with these top docking stations. Enhance storage, cooling, and connectivity for a seamless ...
备受瞩目的新款AppleMacmini于10月29日正式上市,京东自营售价4499元。近期好价来袭,立减0.5%叠加优惠券满500元减40元,实付仅需3548.81元。此次促销力度空前,为广大家长和学生朋友们提供了非常大的实惠。新款Macm ...
据悉,本周苹果在美国和欧洲国家的自助维修店中增加了所有M4 Mac的零件和工具。这包括MacBook Pro、iMac和Mac mini等型号的零件,用户可订购显示器、逻辑板、扬声器等多种维修零件。自2022年推出以来,苹果的自助维修计划已经允许客户使用正品苹果零件进行自行维修,并提供相应的手册指导。此外,该店还提供iPhone和Studio Display等设备的维修服务。
Here are the system requirements for those who want to play the new Assassin's Creed game set in Feudal Japan.
近日,育碧最新作品《 刺客信条 :影》的Mac版容量曝光,达到了惊人的123GB。为了能够提供更好的游戏体验,该游戏将会充分利用Apple芯片的强大性能,并在Mac平台上实现高帧率和高分辨率。此外,游戏还支持光线追踪技术,使得画面效果更加绚丽。