随着产品的不断迭代,MacBook Air已经成为很多人手中的“小Pro”。而且苹果对Air系列的定位已经不仅仅局限在“小巧”、“轻薄”,大屏加上苹果的M系列芯片,已经足以打破人们对Air系列“只能做小事”的固有印象。
Apple's newest MacBook Air M4 is finally making a strong case for upgrading from the Godfather of the Apple Silicon lineup, ...
Following the announcement of the MacBook Air M4, one of the most powerful MacBook Pro models has dropped back to its ...
苹果公司于本周三正式发布了其2025款MacBook Air,这款笔记本电脑搭载了全新的M4芯片,引发了广泛关注与讨论。新机型在中国市场也已迅速上线,起售价为7999元人民币,消费者可以从3月7日上午9点开始预购,正式发售日期定在3月12日。苹果在发布会上强调,新款MacBook ...
Best Buy also has the 13-inch MacBook Air M3 with 16GB of RAM and a 256GB of SSD space for a cool $250 sliced off its price.
从苹果官网也能看到,官方更多地将其与搭载Intel芯片以及M1芯片的MacBook ... 上Pro系列的步伐,别再使用8GB内存。今年的M4可以说“心想事成”,16GB ...
The MacBook Air M4 continues the trend of bringing incremental upgrades but what are these differences between the new M4 and ...
For almost half a decade, the MacBook Air hasn't just sold well; it's been the best-selling single laptop model on the planet ...
The Apple MacBook Air 13 (M4) and the Microsoft Surface Pro 11 are the best machines in their categories. But which one is ...
If you want a smaller and more affordable laptop and don’t mind having a smaller display, the 13-inch MacBook Air is the best ...