The giant moose quickly crawled onto the ice, but the cold and constant treading water — the ordeal lasted around 2 hours — had taken its toll. “It was really tired. I was shivering. It didn't have ...
Ice rescues are dangerous because the rescuers ... “It was just an amazing sight to see that huge moose stand up right in front of us," he said. Then it walked off into the woods.
"Once free from the water, the moose made several attempts to get up before regaining its strength, standing up on the stable ice, and walking off into the woods," the DEC said. Firefighters use ...
Ice rescues are dangerous because the rescuers ... “It was just an amazing sight to see that huge moose stand up right in front of us,” he said. Then it walked off into the woods.
The moose was eventually able to stand on its own and make its way back to the woods. "It was a big deal when that thing came out and plopped itself onto the ice," said Lt. Higgins. "And then it ...
The animal shattered through the layer of ice and dropped into the arctic water ... “It was an amazing sight to see that huge moose stand up right in front of us and eventually get its footing ...
Ice rescues are dangerous because the rescuers ... “It was just an amazing sight to see that huge moose stand up right in front of us,” he said. Then it walked off into the woods.
loping over the snow-covered ice, past buildings and a pickup truck that it rivaled in height. “It was just an amazing sight to see that huge moose stand up right in front of us,” Higgins said.