People with MS sometimes experience myoclonus. Myoclonus is the sudden, involuntary twitching or quivering of a muscle or group of muscles. It’s a reactive nerve cell misfire that sends the ...
According to the above data, the selective agonists of the GABA-A receptor complex are the drugs of first choice in the drug treatment of insomnia. [22] Once treatment has started, monitoring and ...
A highly focal 2 mm region of chemosensitivity was identified. The resulting seizures consisted of automatisms and myoclonus of the mouth and face, contralateral arm clonus, salivation, behavioral ...
Doctors call this rare condition middle ear myoclonus (MEM). MEM is a diagnosis of tinnitus. To diagnose fluttering in the ear, a doctor will gather information about the person’s symptoms and ...
The clinical picture of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) includes various movement disorders such as myoclonus, parkinsonism, hemiballism, and dystonia. We report on a patient with CJD who manifested ...
A hypnic jerk is a sudden involuntary twitch or muscle contraction that occurs as you fall asleep. Also known as sleep starts, these hypnic jerks may jolt the entire body or affect only one part, like ...
the Huntington mutation has been found in middle aged patients presenting with Parkinson's syndrome and cases with generalised myoclonus have been described ...
1 In this review, we relate the above definition of spasticity to the knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the associated movement disorder. No animal model exists for human spasticity, perhaps ...