The Samsung Pro Plus microSD is capable of read and write speeds of 180 MB/s and is even able to handle 4K UHD video files — ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 is easily the biggest launch on the horizon for the company, but Nintendo is eager to work on new ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 might have a wireless mouse feature, expanding the console's capabilities when it comes to playing ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 price remains a high point of speculation, and now Shuntaro Furukawa speaks out to ease concerns about ...
There's a new rumor about the Nintendo Switch 2, but it doesn't have to do with specs or features, it has to do with the size ...
A new patent has revealed new features packed into the Nintendo Switch 2 Joy-Cons, including mouse functionality and more.
Shogakukan, a leading Japanese manga publisher, has announced the development of a new manga-reading app specifically for the ...
From the unbeatable Switch Pro and comfy Joy-Con alternatives to a dongle that lets you use your Xbox or PlayStation ...
2月4日,任天堂公司宣布,他们推出的任天堂音乐服务现在新增了《超级马里奥世界》的曲目包。这个新的曲目包只面向其Nintendo Switch Online会员服务,在iOS和Android平台上都可以使用。 值得一提的是,《超级马里奥世界》是一款深受玩家们喜爱的游戏,首次发布于1990年11月21日的SFC平台。这个消息对于那些热爱这款经典游戏的玩家来说无疑是一个好消息。
Nintendo released its latest financial results, and it makes for some somber reading but teases the potential to smash an all ...