In kind, Corn Flakes is the cereal born from sibling warfare betwixt ... world with a sense of emptiness they attempt to fill with old movies, romantic delusions, and childhood flavors they ...
In its day, Warburton’s Weet-Bix factory was among the biggest employers in the Yarra Ranges town, churning out the popular breakfast cereal for ... David Pratt at the old Weet-Bix factory ...
I used to make cereal bars professionally, which is a sentence I imagine few people can say. Likely just me, a handful of bakers, and the folks at Kellogg's. It was one of the many regular items ...
which will have you reminiscing on the good old days. Tickets cost $39 and include a main entree and a welcome mimosa. The fun doesn't even stop there; the Cereal Cocktail Bar will ALSO have photo ...