Your peace lily can be a little bit of a drama queen when it comes to its needs not being met, so here's how to look after ...
Peace lilies are popular houseplants as they tend to be easy to care for, but it can be startling to see your plant suddenly ...
Peace lily problems? We’ve got you covered. Here’s how to help your plant flower and thrive. Peace lilies may have earned a reputation as one of the easiest flowering plants to care for, but ...
There can be warning signs that a peace lily is "unlikely" to bloom, but there's still time to turn it around come spring.
Peace lilies are one of the UK's most popular house plants, but many proud owners miss this crucial sign that theirs is in ...
If your peace lily has wilted then my best piece of advice is to be patient and keep tending to it as they are incredibly hardy and will likely bounce back on their own ...
The best way to keep your peace lily healthy is to ensure it is getting the right amount of sunlight, water, humidity, and nutrients. As long as its care needs are being met, your peace lily is ...
Pay attention to your houseplants and they’ll tell you what care they need. When a peace lily is in peak growing season in the summer, it will need more water than it does in the winter when its ...