The ocean is home to numerous marine animals. Swimming in it can be risky. Take a quick look at your feet before you decide ...
{mvgam} R 📦 to fit Dynamic Bayesian Generalized Additive Models for multivariate modeling and forecasting ...
Beaches in Tulum are on high alert due to the presence of Portuguese Man O' War, highly toxic organisms posing a risk to tourists. These marine creatures, scientifically known as Physalia physalis ...
The Portuguese man-of-war, while giving the impression of a regular jellyfish, is scientifically known as Physalia physalis and consists of multiple organisms or polyps. A single polyp fills ...
brms R package for Bayesian generalized multivariate non-linear multilevel models using Stan ...
水母是地球上存在了数百万年的海洋生物中令人惊奇的生物。它们存在于地球上的每一片海洋中,形状和大小各异。最近有消息称,有史以来最大的水母群被发现,引起了海洋生物学家和海洋爱好者的轰动。 水母的世界 狮鬃水母 Cyanea capillata。图片来自那不勒斯 ...
The oceans, covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, harbor a diverse and often dangerous array of marine life. Among the myriad creatures, some possess venom that can inflict serious harm, and ...
Welcome to Nat Geo Your Shot: National Geographic’s global community for aspiring visual storytellers. Find the community on Instagram @NatGeoYourShot and follow along for hashtag challenges ...