根据美国证券交易委员会的文件披露,市值4.31亿美元的Postal Realty Trust, Inc.(NYSE:PSTL)总裁、财务主管兼秘书Jeremy Garber近期出售了1,500股A类普通股。据 InvestingPro ...
O setor postal da China movimentou 13,59 bilhões de encomendas em fevereiro, um aumento de 58,8% em relação ao ano anterior, ...
外媒报道,美国邮政是一家独立的政府机构,旗下拥有63万5000名员工,去年亏损达95亿美元(约422.23亿令吉),到目前为止还为受到政府效率部下令联邦机构大规模裁员的影响。德乔伊指出,与政府效率部以及总务管理署达成的协议将允许政府改革团队“协助我们 ...
BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhua) -- China's courier sector handled 13.59 billion parcels in February, a surge of 58.8 percent year on year, the State Post Bureau said on Friday. The sector's total revenue ...
《喋血街头4》是一款由Running With Scissors开发的动作游戏。该游戏以开放型世界和讽刺性质任务而闻名,是《喋血街头》系列的正统续作。在游戏中,玩家将扮演主人公Postal Dude,在天堂镇毁灭后误入亚利桑那州一个小镇,展开一场血腥的复仇之旅。
3 天
玩一玩游戏网 on MSN《喋血街头2》将推出VR版本《POSTAL 2: VR》Flat2VR Studio 宣布推出《喋血街头2:VR》(POSTAL 2: VR),这是Running With Scissors于2003年发布的第一人称射击游戏的虚拟现实版本,适用于PlayStation ...
15 小时
红板报 on MSNVR游戏周报 | 第二届VR Games Showcase举办,Steam春季特卖启动文/VR陀螺 Welkin VR游戏周报·第143期,统计3月7日~3月13日期间上线的VR游戏,新作介绍共计7款,后文按照发售时间排序。截至2025年3月13日,各主要VR平台的内容数量如下: PS VR2:总数265款 ...
O setor de serviços postais na Região Autônoma de Xizang, no sudoeste da China, registrou um crescimento constante na ...
LHASA, March 9 (Xinhua) -- The postal service sector in southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region saw steady growth in parcels handled in 2024, according to the region's postal administration.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
美国邮政(USPS)局长德乔伊 (Louis DeJoy)于当地时间周四(13日)在写给国会的一封信中表示,美国邮政计划在未来30天内通过自愿提前退休计划裁员10000人,以降低运营成本。