At its starting price of Rs 27,999, the Xiaomi Pad 7 is a great option for those who want a tablet that can also slip into ...
reMarkable – Paper Pro (credit: PR) reMarkable notebooks are quite different from tablets (due to their E-INK screen technology, more on that later) and competing products like those from Boox.
Accustomed as I’ve become to shuffling past first-class passengers who almost invariably avert their eyes, I try instead to catch eyes and offer a cheery remark or compliment (“Love the purple hair!” ...
You can also use a simple notebook to jot doen your expenses, helping you identify areas to cut back. This entails going beyond merely investing money and hoping for a return. It entails ...
ALVIN, Texas — A devasting EF-2 tornado ripped through Brazoria County Saturday, destroying Walt Disney Elementary School. The school district was holding a donation drive to collect specific ...