The basement walls of Linda Groskreutz’s home are covered with jigsaw puzzles, including one that has 40,320 pieces and measures more than 22 feet across.
Minnesota is home to the country’s largest jigsaw puzzle competition and it takes ... the competitors and recently placed 4 th in the world at the World Jigsaw Contest in Spain.
The “sport” of speed puzzling has exploded in popularity in Australia since the COVID-19 pandemic, with at least 40 people set to wear green and gold at September’s World Jigsaw Puzzle ...
According to the company's website, the team "set out to create the most entertaining puzzles you’ve ever done by combining the traditional jigsaw puzzle experience with ideas from the worlds of ...
Its magical puzzles combine a "traditional jigsaw puzzle experience with ideas from the worlds of tabletop games and magic," according to its website. It's become a very beloved brand as well ...
Noelle Westbom is taking a lifelong love of puzzles to the next level. She'll compete against other aficionados in April in ...
So in a way, this place is like our home.’ These ideas seemed to culminate in the show’s most memorable pieces: a series of ‘biker jackets’ constructed from stitched-together protective leather ...