When it debuted 35 years ago, Nissan’s ATTESA E-TS all-wheel drive system gave the original R32 GT-R traction and stability ...
比如今天这位来自爱尔兰的玩家Kiel Fitzgibbon,就用整整八年时间去改装他的R32日产Skyline四门轿车,在这期间遇到了不少挑战,但最终的结果绝对是值得的,所有的汗水和泪水没有白费,因为他创造了一头怪兽。 这辆 Skyline四门轿车采用华丽的黑珍珠金属漆涂装 ...
While the company makes economical sedans and SUVs, Nissan has also produced some incredible sports cars in its time. Here ...
Prices for 'Godzilla' have been shooting up recently in the secondary market. Here are five reasons why it's great.
OK, so strictly speaking the very first Nissan Skyline GT-R actually appeared some 20 years earlier. Indeed, the installation of a 160bhp 2-litre engine in the rather unspectacular-looking 1960s ...
Nissan may have some tricks up its sleeve regarding the GT-R next generation.
The Nissan GT-R R32 reset the benchmark for touring car racing in Australia — and the very first R32 has been reborn and was ...
The Renault 5 Turbo 3E is the same length as a practical city car, but sits as wide as most modern supercars. Its innovative ...
With no replacement in sight and Nissan's shaky financials, this might be it for the sports car known as "Godzilla." ...