BrainChild launched its newest 1/16 Din Essential series PID temperature controller - the E62. Featuring a user-friendly ...
This library allows use of the CN0349 Board, the AD5934 chip, and/or the ADG715 chips to read temperature and impedance/admittance The AD5934 chip needs to be calibrated to correctly measure the ...
Multiphase Reactors and Intensification Group, SSPC, Taighde Éireann − Research Ireland Centre for Pharmaceuticals, Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick V94T9PX, Ireland ...
H3D80三分量力传感器:测量三个轴向的力,体积小、量程小、分辨率高、精度高,三轴互扰低(0 5%以内) 非线性 0.1%F.S. 激励电压 15V 滞后性 0.1%F.S. 温度补偿范围-10~60℃ 重复性 0.1%F.S. 工作温度范围-20~80℃ 蠕变30min 0.1%F.S. 安全过载 120%F.S. 灵敏度温漂 0.1%F.S./10 ...