Health is a fundamental human right for all, including refugees. Refugees should have access to the same or similar healthcare as host populations, as outlined in the 1951 Refugee Convention. Many ...
Fenced off from the rest of Bangladesh, and almost entirely cut off from opportunities to find work or integrate into the country, the Rohingya refugees remain entirely at the mercy of ...
When it comes to refugees we want to separate fact from fiction. Here you can find out a little more, with our real statistics and facts about refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, and the work the ...
Intensified Israeli attacks on neighbouring Lebanon since October 2024 forced hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and Lebanese to cross the border into Syria, worsening an already desperate ...
If you are a young refugee, asylum seeker or vulnerable migrant aged 15 to 25, you may be able to get help from the British Red Cross. The Red Cross offers a range of services for young refugees and ...
The U.S. has been the largest provider of aid to the Rohingya refugees, contributing nearly $2.4 billion since 2017, according to a State Department website. More than 1 million Rohingyas live in ...
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has strongly called on the international community not to reduce its support for Rohingya refugees. Guterres visited refugee camps in Cox's Bazar in southern ...
An assembly for primary schools celebrating Lent, suitable for KS1 and KS2. It includes a video about the origins of the festival and its customs today, suggestions for songs and a time for ...
This clip will be relevant for teaching Physics or Science. This topic appears in KS1/KS2 in England and Northern Ireland and Early/1st/2nd level in Scotland.