All affected eyes retained visual acuities of 20/25 or better. Colour vision was subnormal in three of four cases. Visual field defects were characterised by a central ring scotoma having an outer ...
The primary outcome was the presence of “perfusion scotoma” defined as ICuV ≥10mL. The presence of “perfusion scotoma” and median ICuV were compared between anemic vs. non-anemic and hyperglycemic vs.
Stargardt disease (STGD1; MIM 248200) is the most prevalent inherited macular dystrophy and is associated with disease-causing sequence variants in the gene ABCA4. Significant advances have been made ...
With the Relative Strength Index progressing above the 50.00 centreline (positive momentum), this could eventually nudge the USD beyond current resistance towards the 2022 high of 114.78.