In some circles the term “relativism” is a dirty word. Moral relativism, for instance, holds to the belief that ethical truths depend on the people holding them. I disagree with this type of ...
Procedural knowledge. Apply what you know implicitly, like your problem-solving strategies, embodied wisdom, and social ...
In just over a fortnight new sentencing guidelines will come into force which will advise judges that ethnic minority ...
This sits well with the Christian understanding of salvation through accepting Jesus rather than through knowledge of scriptures. However, taking this too far leads onto the path of relativism and a ...
Broadly speaking, the New Right I am referring to is a coalition of contradictions. Some members of the movement are not ...
The pontiff’s bout with double pneumonia, and warnings that he could be significantly diminished, have accelerated ...
But I think contextualisation does exert pressure toward moral relativisation. Moreover, history offers more than adequate evidence of moral relativism. Hamas evidently believes it is morally upright ...
If the life of Jesus were a movie, the Transfiguration would serve as a spoiler alert. A spoiler alert warns of an unexpected ...
We live in an age where people resist and even resent the idea of authority. A rugged individualism that says you cannot tell ...
Ian Woolford, a Hindi studies lecturer and the National Tertiary Education Union president at the La Trobe University branch, ...
In defending Khalil, the American left has written its own epitaph: We did not stand with the Jews when it mattered.