This is Net-SNMP module for monitoring APC UPSes without SNMP support. It reads output from apcupsd (/sbin/apcaccess) and writes it into appropriate OIDs like UPSes with built-in SNMP support.
my $cisco_cpu_5m = ""; # Cisco CPU load (5min %) my $cisco_cpu_1m = ""; # Cisco CPU load (1min %) my $cisco_cpu_5s = "1.3 ...
We're using LibreNMS for SNMP and sending out alerts. To clarify further, the "business" is a non-profit, residential-focused WISP. Problem is that the power devices (from a company called ICT Power) ...
借助pysnmp库,我们能够轻松地获取设备的各种状态信息,例如CPU的使用率,示例代码如下: from pysnmp.hlapi import * def snmp_get(ip, oid): error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds = next( getCmd(SnmpEngine(), ...
This Technical Paper identifies the challenges in current implementations of OID resolution, defines the requirements for meeting those challenges and proposes technical, operational and ...
在当今信息技术高速发展的时代,网络的安全与稳定显得尤为重要。随着企业信息化进程的加快,网络巡检成为保障网络安全的必要手段。本文将深入探讨如何通过Python编程语言,利用多种库和方法,实现高效的网络巡检,监控网络状态,检测潜在问题,确保 ...
1 across a wide range of industries and standards bodies. It is the continuation of a part of the common ASN.1 and OID Project established in February 2001 by ITU-T Study Group 7 (now Study Group 17).