Trichocallia delicatula, or the beautiful hairy ghost shrimp, has “tubular, hair-like” growths on the pleopods, or fan-like ...
Chameleon shrimp can change their color to camouflage themselves among the algae they inhabit, helping them to escape from ...
A new species of shrimp previously thought to be part of another species was identified in the Indian River Lagoon on Florida ...
The animal was a type of shrimp and a species new to science. Arthur Anker, a researcher at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia, announced his discovery in a study ...
Both shellfish are similar in that they belong to the Decapod order. Over 8,000 species of crustaceans (crabs, lobster, shrimp, prawns, crawfish, etc.) are encapsulated under this order. While these ...